Sunday, May 20, 2012

Google LOL!

I had to laugh when fellow miniaturist Fiona at A Passion for Miniatures emailed me the other day that she had Googled 'entrance hall chairs' in order to find inspiration for a project she was working on for a friend --and this is the image that popped up:

Yes, li'l ol' Merriman Park popped up!  I wouldn't have given the sitch much more thought, but today I Googled 'Thomas Jefferson's Edgemont,' (the early nineteenth-century edifice which was the inspiration for Merriman Park), and what do you think popped up this time?

This was one of the photographs taken in the 1930's when Edgemont was 're-discovered' as a work by Thomas Jefferson.  It had at the time unfortunately fallen into near ruin.

Here's a view of the garden facade of Edgemont, also a Google pop-up.  (I don't know the couple posing)!  Thomas Jefferson hate, hate, hated, wooden houses, nevertheless Edgemont was constructed as a wood-frame house, the wide, wood planks facing the exterior beveled and faux-painted to mimic stone.

There were several images that also came up, but because of copy-right laws I can't bring them upon my humble blog... except for this one!

This is the original sketch I made on a napkin for Merriman Park, now immortalized forever on Google!

Google: fabulous, or frightening???


  1. Haven't seen you for awhile. I hope you have eye candy soon! Just kidding. Good to see you posting again.

  2. Esas son las curiosidades de google. Durante un tiempo, mi nobre aparecía asociado a una web de lencería erótica rusa!!! Cosas de la vida...

    Un besote enorme!!!

  3. Hi John, love that hall it´s wonderful, seems so real. Do u have more photos of your house? All the best

  4. LOL
    I found one of yours in a search I did too! You'll have your own you tube channel before long ;-)

  5. Hello John!
    This is no surprise to me.......your house is stunning and so real looking. I think it is wonderful that you and Thomas Jefferson are now forever linked in the "cyber world"
    Hug from Ray
    p.s. soooooo regret not getting to meet you in Chicago.....still a huge fan

  6. It's funny how certain unintended things show up on search results, and maddening when things you WANT to show up do NOT!

  7. Interesting post John. I end up having some visitors on my blog that didn't quite expect to find miniatures when they did their Google search. I get a lot of hits on the "Four Season's" room box that I created with my daughter a few years ago.

  8. google is the one that started me on my way as a mini food artist it's sort of weird like that.


  9. Hi Marissa!
    How did Google manage to start you off, I wonder?

    Hello, Troy!
    Isn't that funny? Now that I think of it, I got some comments from people who were obviously looking into marble flooring.

    Hey, Erik!
    I haven't tried doing that on purpose, yet --but I see what you mean!

    Thanks, Ray! --Next year, for sure, OK?

    Hi, Si!
    Do you remember what you were searching for on Google? I should SO do a Pretty Pleater demo on YouTube, perhaps as my alter-ego, Wilma Ballsdrop, lol!

    Hello, Rafa!
    Thanks for the compliment and thanks also for joining my blog! There are more photos posted in my blog's archives --go back to October, 2010.

    How scandalous, Pedrete! And don't forget what happened last winter when you Googled 'Chippendales!'

    Qué escándalo, Pedrete! Y no se olvide lo que pasó el invierno pasado cuando en Google de los Chippendales!

    Hi, Teresa! I know I have been terribly busy with other stuff --summer in the city, and all, but STAY TUNED! More exciting things coming soon to Merriman Park!

  10. LOL
    my alter ego is Cara Van Parke

  11. Shut up! Does she know my sister, Iona Traylor?

  12. Hi John,
    Do you see how HUGE you've become. I want an autographe! Just think of all the people who will see your work and think it's a real life room. You are a reference!
    Chante, you stay.
    Honey Badger

  13. I'm often amused by what comes up on google searches!! One of Simon's pics came up once when I was looking on google images too!

    How amazing that Jefferson's house was undiscovered until the 1930's, it looks like it lost its ground floor by that time too from the picture!

    Looking forward to seeing more of Merriman park soon!

  14. Hey, Andy!
    Sorry --I should have explained: that first photo shows the north (entrance facade) When TJ was ambassador to France, the French were building single-story, classical houses. So from the front, Edgemont appears to be built in the fashionable French style, but go round back to the 'garden facade' and you see the house was built into the side of a hill and is actually two stories...neat, Huh?

    Honey Badger! I almost lost my Starbuck's this morning when I read your comment! Do you mean to say that I am FIERCE and SICKENING? No shade?

  15. I LOVE it! Your room Belongs in the Search results!
    I first found Mini blogs by searching in google for other things..... So I think it's a Great thing!
