
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Great News!

Sue Cook, of Sue Cook Miniatures in Cornwall, England wants to put a photo of my very own Merriman Park in her hallowed Gallery!  I am so excited!  And honored.  She also gave me much-appreciated installation advice for the balustrade, which comes from her catalog of exquisite components. The keystones, which I used to customize my off-the-shelf Houseworks windows and doors, are also hers as are the  scrolled brackets on the stair.


Karin Corbin said...[Reply]

Congrats, you are a design star! Next you will have your own TV show....

John said...[Reply]

Aw, Karin, you're just funnin' me...

Karin Corbin said...[Reply]

Yes you would have to call the show "Merrymen Park" as the name Dollhouse is already taken.