The facade of Merriman Park |
The other rooms look so bare! |
What a fuss I made about lighting! | | | |
"And where have you been all evening, little mister?" Check out the new floor medallion, and note conspicuous absence of center table. Most of the furnishings in this room are from New England Miniatures (hi, Grazhina)! and our local dollhouse shop, Little Enchantments (hi, Karen)! |
I swear I did not kill any of the animals hanging on the wall! (They all committed suicide just so they could become gorgeous accessories in this glamorous room. The cameo was in a box of trinkets my friend Carolyn gave me ages ago. | |
I made faux marble plinths with seed-pearl feet for the pair of gilded sphinx on the demi-lune tables. |
That's my 'real life' kitty, Whiskers, photo-shopped into the room. I adore trick photography! |
I should have had my friend take my Halloween photo! | | | |
Never did get around to building a new cabinet for Merriman Park to sit on...it sure needs one! |
And that,
dear Reader, concludes our little tour through one of the
Stately Homes of America! Special thanks to BFF
Eric Lindahl for the awesome pics!
Additional thanks to: Giac, Simon, Irene, WB Design, Andy, Fiona, Pedrete & Madelva, Karin Corbin, Anneke, Jeffry, Josje, Iris, Cassandra, Barb in MN, Kate Merchant, my partner, Glen (who puts up with this madness)
and so many others! Without your advice, support, enthusiasm (and sometimes hand-holding)
Merriman Park would have no doubt been cast off to the basement, gathering cobwebs.
Oh you are Brilliant!!!!!
How divine......you have done a fabulous job!
Merriman Park looks stunning. You know when you look at the entrance with the other rooms it looks so tiny.....kinda miniature? We are so used to it looking so grand!!!
The detail is beautiful!!
Well done!!
Hugs, Fi
PS Love Whiskers!!!
John you must be so proud, I certainly would be. It looks amazing. I particularly like the central medalion. It draws the eye without blocking the view. The over all pictures where the other rooms are empty gives a real idea of the scale and size of Merriman Park, I really cant wait for progress on the Drawing (or Music) Room.
Well done my friend, a first rate effort.
Hi, Fi!
Thanks, hon! I know, that shot of the whole, open house is kind of surreal!
Thank you, Simon. I am rather proud of it, darn it!
You know, it would still be a bare plywood space today if it weren't for you, Giac, Irene, Andy, Pedrete, the Whitledge-Burgess team, Karin Corbin, and so many others...
Excellent job!
Can't wait to see what magic you'll do with the other rooms! :)
Obrigado, Evelyne!
Estou tão feliz que você gosta minha casa de bonecas. É tão legal ter um grupo tão mergulhadores de pessoas interessadas no meu projeto humilde.
Hi John,
What fantastic pictures! The hall looks wonderful. Every detail, both interior and exterior, is spot on. I can't wait to see the rest of Merriman Park take shape.
Absolutely Fantastic.
Congratulations on the niches as well. You did good!
Have a great week,
High praise, indeed, from you, Giac! OK, I'm so going to your site to check out your progress!
Hugs, backatcha,
The pictures are stunning. The house is even better! You are doing a great job. So beautiful. Lovely details.
Thank you, Heather! It is so nice to see 'old friends' posting comments.
Very impressive and very beautiful!!
Hi John! That house looks wonderful and we are proud Madelva & my by your beautiful work! Congratulations my dear friend! The effort has been rewarded! I send you a great big hug!!!
Good Morning John!
The photos of "Merriman Park" are great! You have done a stunning job furnishing this beautiful room. I think the medallion looks terrific and I am a fan of the "trophy heads". Looking forward to the progress on the Drawing Room. From your sketches it looks to be another beautiful room in the making.
Happy Halloween to you and Glen!
Absolutely to die for! This elegant dollhouse should be the Minniapolis Spring House tour, if they have one! (Only half kidding...I think?).
What a Gorgeous House! This is going to be MAGNIFICENT when it is ALL done! I LOVE to see the whole building while only one room is finished... gives a sense of scale and what is still to come.....
Don't you DARE quit!
I think what you have done is just AMAZING! Please keep up the Great work!!!
You're too kind, and far too modest!
Hi, Margot! Thank you, I'm so glad you like the room.
Pedrete: Hola, mi amigo! Me alegro de que te guste el hall de entrada. Creo que las fotos salieron muy bien, ¿no crees?
Hello, Ray! Personally, I like the artwork, finished in the manner you suggested. You were so right about them looking hand-painted! Happy Halloween to you & Scott!
Hi Iris! My neighborhood has hosted a 'local artist open-house' one weekend each summer. I was thinking maybe I would show next year if I can finish a few more rooms by then. Thanks for your lovely comments!
Thanks, Daydreamer! (I like that particular photograph, too). I really am enjoying this new hobby of mine and I don't plan on quitting!
The photographs are wonderful and show off Merriman Park at it's best. You should be really proud of what you've created so far and it was nice to be reminded of the size of this property. It really is a lovely piece of work.
Whiskers looks good too!
Hey John, Have you seen this, I'm not sure if it's Australian only. I hope it works.....cute; )
Here's another one.
Hello, Irene! I'm sorry, thought I responded to your comment --but thank you just the same. I'm going to ask Eric, my photographer friend, to put our Shelties in the house, too.(But they needed a good brushing that day, poor things!).
Hi, Fi! Survive Cup Day? We DO have Cadbury chocolates at Easter time, but I have never seen those ads. Cool!
Cup day was great thanks.....and it is a drinking holiday!!!
I am still very bleary eyed even today!!
You would love it John, it's nothing but Champagne and Caviar, in your best frocks or in your case.... spats!
It's still going, my husband is at a Oaks day today which is supposed to be Ladies day and the out fits are sensational. Darby day is traditionally Top hats ( not that the guys do that much any more) and Black and white for the ladies. Cup day is the biggest day and every on goes nuts for it all. Typical of Australians to have a holiday for a Horse Race!!
If I had have had my blog running I would have posted some pics. It's a bit like Christmas or Thanks giving as every one has parties or you go to Flemington ( the Track ) and hob nob it there. Thats what I like doing best.......Just so Glam!!
So now that thats out of the way I had a quiet day yesterday and fiddled with my DH in an attempt to get something to show when I start my blog.
I'm still loving Merriman Park, you have done such a beautiful job on the outside too, it's stunning!!
Hey where's Andy....he is conspicuous by his absence?
Fi x
Here I am! Been finishing late at work over the past week and in what spare time I had was looking up stuff for my blog. Enough about me!
John, Your house looks stunning! it looks better than some of the professional dollshouses I see at the big dolls house shows in the UK, congratulations on what you've achieved, it's brilliant!!!
You're right to be proud of it!
I, like everyone, wait to see what you'll do next! The DAS clay was a real success too.
hugs Andy xx
Hi, Andy! That is quite a compliment, and coming from you means so much to me --thank you so much!
read your blog from start till now... curious for what's to come.
you did a great job so far!
Hi Gee!
You really read the whole thing? Wow, that's very flattering --thanks, Gee!
Es una casita preciosa, creo que es la más bonita que he visto en mi vida. La fachada es impresionante y por dentro es maravillosa. Me ha encantado
Estimado Sionchi,
Muchas gracias por los cumplidos bien! Estoy tan feliz de que como mi casa.
What an absolutely, absolutely beautiful room! Thank you so much for sharing all this, John. Looking at this room coming together makes me realize the possibilities of this amazing miniature world we all love so much!
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